
a foreign affair中文是什么意思

  • “外交”事件
  • 柏林艳史
  • 两个兄弟一个新娘
  • 外交事务



  • 例句与用法
  • If i do not speak up , as a foreign affairs assistant , i would feel ashamed to take any foreign vistor to tour the campus
  • As a foreign affairs advisor to the president , the first thing to do in his new job was to draft a white paper explaining the government ' s position concerning the crisis in beirut
    (担任总统外交事务顾问,他上任第一件事是起草一份白皮书表明有关贝鲁特危机的政府立场。 )
  • By convention , the government responds to a foreign affairs committee report , specifically addressing each conclusion and recommendation , via command paper published within two months of publication of the fac s own report
  • Article 70 the national people ' s congress establishes a nationalities committee , a law committee , a finance and economic committee , an education , science , culture and public health committee , a foreign affairs committee , an overseas chinese committee and such other special committees as are necessary
  • Article 70 the national people ' s congress establishes a nationalities committee , a law committee , a finance and economic committee , an education , science , culture and public health committee , a foreign affairs committee , an overseas chinese committee and such other special committees as are necessary
  • Shu yun hotel , a foreign affairs - concerned tourist hotel planed and fit - up according to the standards for three - starred hotels , is located at downtown chengdu with 24 floors in total number . it is the ideal place for living 、 eating 、 meeting holding 、 news distribution 、 business talking 、 commodity display 、 recreation and refreshment
  • The national people s congress establishes a nationalities committee , a law committee , a finance and economic committee , an education , science , culture and public health committee , a foreign affairs committee , an overseas chinese committee and such other special committees as are necessary
  • 推荐英语阅读
a foreign affair的中文翻译,a foreign affair是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译a foreign affair,a foreign affair的中文意思,a foreign affair的中文a foreign affair in Chinesea foreign affair的中文a foreign affair怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
