If i do not speak up , as a foreign affairs assistant , i would feel ashamed to take any foreign vistor to tour the campus 如果我不管,作为一个外事助理,在带领任何一位外国客人进来参观校园时,我都会感到羞愧。
As a foreign affairs advisor to the president , the first thing to do in his new job was to draft a white paper explaining the government ' s position concerning the crisis in beirut (担任总统外交事务顾问,他上任第一件事是起草一份白皮书表明有关贝鲁特危机的政府立场。 )
By convention , the government responds to a foreign affairs committee report , specifically addressing each conclusion and recommendation , via command paper published within two months of publication of the fac s own report 依照惯例,政府要对外事委员会的报告做出回应,而且是要对报告中的每一项结论和建议都要给予回应,具体做法就是在报告发布后两个月之内发布政府对此的施政报告。
Article 70 the national people ' s congress establishes a nationalities committee , a law committee , a finance and economic committee , an education , science , culture and public health committee , a foreign affairs committee , an overseas chinese committee and such other special committees as are necessary 第七十条全国人民代表大会设立民族委员会、法律委员会、财政经济委员会、教育科学文化卫生委员会、外事委员会、华侨委员会和其他需要设立的专门委员会。
Article 70 the national people ' s congress establishes a nationalities committee , a law committee , a finance and economic committee , an education , science , culture and public health committee , a foreign affairs committee , an overseas chinese committee and such other special committees as are necessary 宪法第七十条全国人民代表大会设立民族委员会、法律委员会、财政经济委员会、教育科学文化卫生委员会、外事委员会、华侨委员会和其他需要设立的专门委员会。
Shu yun hotel , a foreign affairs - concerned tourist hotel planed and fit - up according to the standards for three - starred hotels , is located at downtown chengdu with 24 floors in total number . it is the ideal place for living 、 eating 、 meeting holding 、 news distribution 、 business talking 、 commodity display 、 recreation and refreshment 蜀运宾馆是三星级的旅游涉外宾馆,位于成都市中心繁华地段,总24层,是集住宿餐饮、举办会议、新闻发布、商务洽谈、商品展示和娱乐休闲的理想之地。
The national people s congress establishes a nationalities committee , a law committee , a finance and economic committee , an education , science , culture and public health committee , a foreign affairs committee , an overseas chinese committee and such other special committees as are necessary 第七十条全国人民代表大会设立民族委员会法律委员会财政经济委员会教育科学文化卫生委员会外事委员会华侨委员会和其他需要设立的专门委员会。在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,各专门委员会受全国人民代表大会常务委员会的领导。